Our people are always on hand to help and advise, however, we have also assembled a library of information, advice, permission forms and other information you may need.
This report provides an update on the Council's tourism statement. Consultation on the new draft Edinburgh 2030 tourism strategy closes on 15 December 2019.
The report recommends banded funding allocations to a group of Strategic Partners and a new Flexible Fund, an approach agreed by Committee on 13 November 2018 in the Third Party Cultural Grants Funding – Review Update report.
A refreshed tourism strategy is being co-produced by Edinburgh Tourism Action Group and stakeholders including the City of Edinburgh Council. A Working Group on Tourism and Communities will ensure that the views and voice of residents are included in the process. This report outlines the process, progress to date, and the points at which further reports will be brought to the Council.
This report details progress to date on the many strands of work involved in helping balance residents and visitors experience of the city during the summer.
The Culture Service provides a third party grant awards programme and a full list of those organisations currently awarded grants for 2019/20 are listed in this report.
This report provides an update on the recommended core programme of festivals and events for 2019/20 including a new multi-cultural event delivery model.