26 May 2015
At its meeting on 16 December 2014, the Culture and Sport Committee noted that the intention at that point was to submit a final Cultural Policy for approval to the May 2015 meeting of the Committee. To produce a Policy reflective of citywide views, and to supplement previous tailored consultation, the Council invited a Representative Peer Group to design and deliver a major consultation to inform the Policy. This Peer Group decided to call the consultation Desire Lines, to hold at least one open discussion session to look at what makes a culturally successful city, and to create a website incorporating social media feeds and an online survey. In the event, the Peer Group held three open discussions between 8 December 2014 and 3 February. Large numbers attended the meetings and responded to the online survey. The Peer Group recorded its findings, which is appended to this report and as a separate booklet (Desire Lines document).