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Local Cultural Festivals & Events Fund 2021-22

26 Jul 2021

Celebrating Edinburgh’s diverse local cultural festivals and events - contributing to sector recovery.

This funding has been allocated as a result of the city’s role in supporting the recovery of live activity as part of local cultural festivals and events affected by the Coronavirus pandemic and to offer wider access to Council cultural funding opportunities, ensuring Edinburgh is a city of creative opportunities. Our cultural activity and offer continues to be a crucial contribution to the city’s success as an exceptional place to live and work.

Organisations already in receipt of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Cultural Strategic Partnership funding do not qualify for this funding opportunity.

The Local Cultural Festivals and Events Fund seeks to support the work of the city’s year-round cultural festivals and events which are not already funded by the Council to include those that:

  • are unique to Edinburgh and its residents;
  • celebrate and bring together the city’s diverse communities;
  • have deep community roots; and
  • instil a sense of pride in their local place


Grants will be awarded to existing cultural Festivals and Events that celebrate their local creative communities and promote greater partnership collaboration between artists/practitioners, independent creatives, our diverse communities and creative practitioners, and/or their festival or event.

The fund is intended to support existing local cultural festivals and events to return to live activity and utilise art forms such as visual and performing arts (music, dance, spoken word and theatre), film, digital arts, literature and poetry, to promote greater collaboration and partnerships between artists and creatives and cultural organisations in Edinburgh.

The Fund can be used to support an individual existing event or a programme of activity and that can make use of indoor and/or outdoor spaces.


A total budget of £100,000 is available offering grant awards of up to £10,000 for cultural festivals and events in financial year 2021/22 and delivered by end of July 2022.


Friday 27 August 2021 (12 noon GMT). 


Applications are no longer being accepted on the Consultation Hub. If you have any questions, please contact us:

Online information sessions were held on 3 and 23 August 2021.